She's Empowered: Isabel Orozco-Moore of Isabel Eats

We're so excited to partner with Isabel Orozco-Moore,the food blogger behind Isabel Eats, on our new Café de Olla nut butter! Learn more about Isabel below!
Tell us a little about you!
I’m Isabel, the founder and owner of
Isabel Eats, a food and recipe website showcasing traditional and authentic Mexican recipes to millions of readers around the world. I’m a proud first generation Mexican-American that was born and raised in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and I live there with my husband and daughter.
What do you do for work? Tell us about your professional journey.
Creating content for Isabel Eats has been my full time job since 2017, and it’s the best job in the world! I started the website in 2015 as a way to document my family’s recipes, and since then I’ve developed a deep appreciation for the Mexican cuisine that I grew up eating every single day. My ultimate goal is to be a resource for others looking to learn more about Mexican cuisine and culture through food.
What was the inspiration behind the flavor you created?
The inspiration for the flavor is one of my favorite Mexican drinks, café de olla! It’s a popular sweetened coffee drink that’s traditionally prepared in a clay pot and is brewed with spices like cinnamon, cloves, and star anise. The result is a deep, rich, and aromatic coffee that’s perfect for sipping and enjoying in the mornings with a simple pastry!
How do you stay motivated?
It’s not always easy, especially as a small business owner and a mom of a toddler. I always lean on my friends and family when I start feeling any hints of burnout on the horizon. Talking about and putting a voice to certain things I’m struggling with really helps me work through problems and issues. I also try to make sure I have time for myself everyday to do at least one thing that’s good for my physical or mental health. That can include working out, journaling, reading, or just sitting in silence sometimes!
Do you have any advice for someone who is interested in starting a business?
Make a plan and take action! Start with your goal and work backwards from there, outlining all the steps that need to happen in order for you to achieve it. Then take action, one step at a time. So often people make a plan and stop there. For some reason, the act of writing things down and creating a plan often makes us feel like we did the thing, when in reality we didn’t really accomplish anything! Creating the plan is really only step one. All the power and momentum comes from taking action and getting things done, so don’t fall into the trap of all planning and no doing.
What are your favorite ways to #spreadgood in your community?
Every year, Isabel Eats picks one or two local nonprofit organizations or charities to support and donate money to. I also try to speak out and use the platform I’ve been given to bring awareness to any injustices or issues that I think really need support.
Who is one person who inspires you and why?
My husband. He’s believed in me and my business from the very beginning, and continues to offer the best support and advice whenever I’m in a funk. He’s very good at taking big ideas and creating actionable plans that don’t feel overwhelming.
How do you work to stay centered and practice self-care in your busy day-to-day reality?
I wake up earlier than I need to every morning to do at least one thing to take care of myself. Sometimes that means going to a 6am yoga class, and sometimes that means journaling or reading a book for 30 minutes before the rest of the house wakes up.
What do you like to do for fun, when you aren't working?
Cooking! While I love cooking Mexican recipes for the website and my family, I also enjoy cooking other cuisines and trying out different ingredients and techniques. I also enjoy doing yoga, going to the park and being outside with my toddler, and checking out local breweries.
What are some of your favorite recipes with Ground Up?
I’m a big fan of using Ground Up nut butters to create different muffin flavors and bars! They make for a quick and healthy snack for me and my family. I also love to eat it straight out of the jar or smeared on some apple slices for a tasty snack.
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