She's Empowered Spotlight: Kruti Shah, Founder of Cultivate with Kruti

"I love spreading good by encouraging others to establish grounded routines—whether that includes doing nothing, yoga, meditation, walks in nature, journaling, etc. Incorporating acts of self-care helps balance the stresses of life, and honestly just makes you feel good to tackle the day!"
We’re so excited to introduce you to the next gal in our She’s Empowered series! Meet Kruti of @cultivatewithkruti. Kruti always has the best health insights and fun recipe ideas! We’ve learned so much from Kruti — and can’t wait to dive into this spotlight!
As an added bonus, she shared this (totally drool-worthy) recipe for her Almond Butter Crunch Bars with us.
Tell us a little bit about you!
Hi! My name is Kruti Shah! I was born and raised in sunny California, where I spent many years until my recent move to Florida. Currently, I’m studying to receive my master’s in occupational therapy, which I’m so passionate about! Helping others has always been a dream of mine, and I’m excited I’m finally pursuing my dream career.
What's the story behind your blog, Cultivate with Kruti?
I started Cultivate with Kruti back in 2015, when I was finishing up prerequisites for graduate school and working part-time. My brother suggested I begin posting my recipes to share with family and friends, which I was so nervous to do it at first! I’ve always enjoyed being in the kitchen, and it was so wonderful to be able to share my passion of healthy living and eating with others. I know throughout the years, it’s also helped me evolve as a person tremendously. I appreciate the food, the wonderful community and the amazing brands I’ve formed relations with.
When you're not creating amazing recipes, how are you spending your time?
Now that I’m in school full-time, I spend a lot of days on campus for classes or at the library studying. However, between the copious amounts of schoolwork, I enjoy staying active, attending yoga classes with friends, or discovering new restaurants to eat with friends in Florida!
What ingredient is your kitchen NEVER without?
I can’t choose just one, so my top three include: avocados, sweet potatoes and of course, Ground Up PDX Smooth almond butter!
Ok, we have to ask. What's your favorite way(s) to eat your Ground Up PDX?
Currently I love chopping an apple, adding a spoonful of smooth almond butter and dark chocolate chips!
How do you stay inspired?
This one is tough! I get into so many ruts, however I love exploring other blogs or scrolling through Instagram to see what fun recipes other bloggers are making! Other times, I enjoy stepping away from Instagram for a week or two, which I find so helpful in getting back to my creative self!
What are your favorite ways to #spreadgood in your community?
I love spreading good by encouraging others to establish grounded routines—whether that includes doing nothing, yoga, meditation, walks in nature, journaling, etc. Incorporating acts of self-care helps balance the stresses of life, and honestly just makes you feel good to tackle the day!