Meet Gabrielle

"Ground Up is exactly what you make of it, but it's hard not to make something for yourself! I recommend the place to most women I encounter who need help, including my own circle. Thank you for everything, I hope I was able to help bring Ground Up one thousand jars closer to the stardom and recognition it deserves!"
Meet Gabrielle! She recently graduated from our program, to move onto full-time employment in security (a dream job for her!). Her favorite job in the kitchen is mixing… It’s fun, creative and she gets to try each batch straight out of the mixer, when it’s nice & warm (the best part!). We’re excited to share her updates with you!
Can you tell me a little bit about your new job and what you are looking forward to?
As a security guard at my specific post, my responsibilities are to check in tenants, control access to the building via key cards and hard keys, patrol the building for intruders or any other danger to people or property, and navigate a fire panel along with monitoring camera feed/observe and report. I most look forward to advancement or moving forward from this job with good experience for an even better job. I'm also excited for the financial opportunities this job will bring me such as trips to the beach and a car, a new wardrobe, savings, etc. And time off to spend with fam and friends!
How has Ground Up supported you in getting your new job?
From day one they were always there for me, even when I wasnt comfortable opening up at first. I made amazing and tolerant friends, I felt like I could be myself in an environment that wasn't hostile nor dangerous. This gave me space to reflect and grow, while still keeping me financially stable. They helped me job search, kept me posted on new job opportunities, kept in close contact with my agency Outside In that helps me with mental health, necessities, housing, job search, etc., and this communication was key to my success with Ground Up. They also gave me constructive feed back forgivingly, while still pushing me to do better in fun and cute ways that were easy to digest.
In what ways have you grown during your time at Ground Up?
Social authenticity, confidence definitely, organization, perserverence despite being discouraged, and overall trust and respect in my employers and the work force when due. They really showed me the inside and behind the scenes of a work place and it granted me more understanding of my place amongst it all. I've never come out of a job more grateful and confident.
Any other highlights, or anything else about your time at Ground Up that you'd like to share?
The friends I made were closer to family. Management supported me in all my goals and hobbies that were even unrelated to my job, such as music. They gave me a voice and made me feel so heard. Leaving was very difficult but also so exciting because I knew it wasnt the last time I'd see everybody, and I knew I was leaving because I was ready. I felt so spoiled in the work environment, I was worried I wouldnt be able to handle an intense, cold one again, but once I got into the groove of my new job it became very rewarding very quickly, and the skills and confidence I honed at Ground Up make every day in the real world a little more successful. I learned most things there was to learn there, from sales to shipping, to production to packaging, to warehouse and fell short of management but I'm know they help you learn that too! Ground Up is exactly what you make of it, but it's hard not to make something for yourself! I recommend the place to most women I encounter who need help, including my own circle. Thank you for everything, I hope I was able to help bring Ground Up one thousand jars closer to the stardom and recognition it deserves!
Gabrielle's previous post, from when she was part of our employment training program:
What has your experience with Ground Up been like? How has it helped your confidence?
It’s made me feel more comfortable in a work setting. This is one of the first times in awhile that I’ve had a more formal job. I feel more comfortable now working in a team setting.
Ground Up has helped a lot with my confidence. I’m in a better place now compared to when I first started. A lot of good things have happened since then and this has been one of them. I love that it is consistent.
What does it mean to you to have a job and be back in the workforce?
I feel a productive member of society. I feel more connected to society and like I’m doing something to help. And this is a really cool job because the space we work in is eco-friendly.
What is the community at Ground Up like? What does having this community mean to you?
I feel like it’s nurturing. It’s healthy and positive, and there is a lot of room to grow. I can move forward confidently knowing I did a good job here. And even if I make mistakes, it’s okay.
What do you like to do for fun?
I like to urban hike. My friends and I walk around in the city, take pictures, go to a coffee shop.
What is your favorite Ground Up nut butter flavor + favorite way to enjoy it?
I like the coffee flavors... Almond Mocha CBD and Espresso Stout. My favorite way to eat nut butter is when it’s warm.
What do you hope to do after Ground Up / what is your dream job?
I’m trying to work towards blue collar, mainly firefighting. I also want to go to college. My next step will be an internship with Portland Youth Builders Construction.