Meet Sandra

Meet Sandra! She is now on the team full-time as our Fulfillment Assistant. We appreciate her hard work and willingness to try new things in the kitchen. We are excited to introduce you to another strong woman on our team!
When asked about her new full-time position at Ground Up, she says:
"When I first started at Ground Up almost a year ago now I had zero confidence in myself, or my future. I was working part time on production days and loved it! Slowly week by week, I felt my confidence soar, with the help of these amazing women who would never let me give up. With so much support and encouragement I started to believe in myself again.
Today, I'm employed full-time as Fulfillment Assistant. I love my job here at Ground Up. I love being part of this mission that Julie and Carolyn started just a few short years ago."
Below is Sandra's previous post, from when she was part of our employment training program:
What has your experience with Ground Up been like? How has it helped your confidence?
My experience with Ground Up has been 100% positive. I feel very grateful to have found this job. I’ve built up a lot of confidence, especially in the kitchen with the filling machine.
What does it mean to you to have a job and be back in the workforce?
I feel productive. It feels really good! I’m learning good communication skills.
What is the community at Ground Up like? What does having this community mean to you?
I don’t know how to put it into words! All of the women here have a different story but we all work together and look out for each other. We’re there in good times and bad, we celebrate each others victories. It’s never been catty. We respect each other, love each other, help each other through not just work but personal issues too. You can always trust that you have someone there for you. It comes from good leadership!
What do you like to do for fun?
Reading. I like mystery books a lot. I like to cook, pretty much everything. I also like to paint.
What is your favorite Ground Up nut butter flavor + favorite way to enjoy it?
My favorite flavor is Cinnamon Snickerdoodle… But I also love Espresso Stout. I like them in oatmeal, on a crisp cold apple and right out of the jar with a spoon.
What do you hope to do after Ground Up / what is your dream job?
Somewhere that helps people. I want to find a job that I really love!