Meet Jayme

We are so excited to introduce you to one of the amazing womxn on our team, Jayme! She is always willing to work hard and learn new things. Not only is she a pro nut butter mixer, she also fulfills wholesale orders.
What has your experience with Ground Up been like? How has it has helped your self-confidence?
My experience at ground up has literally been life changing. I am so thankful for the employment training program and for Ground Up, it has helped me rebuild my confidence, given me purpose, taught me new skills in regards to my personal and professional life, while gaining work experience I so desperately needed, and on top of it all I have met the most amazing, strong and supportive women while in the program. Before I came to work at Ground Up, I had been unemployed for 3 plus years, in and out of homelessness. and had been struggling for so long that I had hit rock bottom. Ground up was that guiding light that brought back my happiness, gave me the support and structure I needed, and has been such a healthy environment for me to get my life back together. The women build you up here, everyone supports each other and wants the best for each other. I have never worked in such a supportive environment before, it's truly amazing to be a part of this.
What does it mean to you to have a job opportunity and be back in the work force?
Ground up believed in me and gave me a job when no one else would, and for that I will forever be grateful for Ground Up. It feels amazing to be back in the workforce after all these years, and I have only become more confident in myself and more confident in my ability to be a hard worker since I started in the training program. They have taught me so much, and they are always willing to help me learn or gain new skills that will help me for the future.
What is the community at Ground Up like? What does having this community mean to you?
The community at ground up is like no other. I can always count on coming into a positive and supportive work environment, it's what makes coming to work so much fun, We are always there to help each other whenever we need it, I know I can always count on these women to be there for me no matter what. It's like this amazing sisterhood that you'll always want to be a part of.
What do you like to do for fun?
I enjoy spending family time with my son Mason, my kitty cat Lola, and my dog lucy. I also enjoy shopping, watching movies, dancing, and running outside early in the morning before the sun rises.
What is your favorite Ground Up nut butter flavor + favorite way to it?
I'm addicted to nut butter, I swear's really a thing. My favorite flavor so far has been the chocolate chip cookie dough nut butter, it was a seasonal flavor, but Snickerdoodle will always be my No 1 fav. My favorite way to eat nut butter is directly out of the jar with a fork or mixing it with vanilla ice cream. mmhmmm yum.
What do you hope to do after Ground Up?
At this point in time, I don't know yet what my plans are for after ground up. I love it here, if only I could stay at Ground Up forever.
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