Meet Sarah

Meet Sarah, our Community Coordinator! She does a lot here at Ground Up, from social media and marketing to customer care to recipe developement to managing our Butterbassador program. She truly gets to interact with all parts of the Ground Up community!
What has your experience with Ground Up been like?
When I think about my job, this word comes to mind: dreamy. First of all, I’m a huge nut butter fan and I love to cook, so being behind-the-scenes, learning about all the exciting new flavors and doing recipe development + photography is SO much fun. But the best part of my experience with Ground Up has been seeing the mission in action. Before I started working for them, I knew they were helping womxn in Portland. But actually getting to know the team, hear their stories, and witness their lives being changed because of the empowerment and confidence they gain from the Ground Up community is so inspiring.
What is your role at Ground Up?
As Ground Up’s Community Coordinator, I manage customer care, social media + marketing, our new Butterbassador program (!!!)... & all things community! Sometimes I do other projects, like recipe development, photography and occasionally helping out with production.
What does a typical work day look like for you?
In a typical workday, I respond to customer care emails, check our Instagram + other social media platforms, look through our marketing calendar, then get started on my tasks! Something I enjoy about my job is that each day is different. One day I might be developing a new recipe for our blog and taking photos, another day will consist of prepping for a flavor launch, or connecting with local businesses we want to partner with.
What is it like to work with Ground Up's customers and community?
It is fun and encouraging - I’m constantly reminded why Ground Up is such an amazing company! Every day I get to interact with a community of passionate people who are dedicated to eating healthy and delicious food, supporting small + local businesses, and empowering womxn. I love being part of all aspects of the Ground Up community: our amazing customers, fellow food businesses, followers on social media, Butterbassadors, and the incredible team of womxn behind the nut butters.
We hear you're working on a fun new project... Butterbassadors! Can you tell us more about that?
I’m so glad you asked! The Butterbassador Club is our NEW ambassador program! It’s a way for passionate Ground Up fans to earn commission and free nut butters by spreading the word about Ground Up, whether it’s through a tasting with friends, on social media, or whatever creative ways you come up with. The program is a “choose your own adventure” because you can share however it feels natural to you. We’re so excited to cultivate an awesome community of Butterbassadors!
What do you like to do for fun?
I like to be outdoors and walk my dog to the park, take dance fitness classes (shoutout Diva Den Studio!!), cook + bake, read books (including cookbooks!), and listen to music (I have too many Spotify playlists).
What is your favorite Ground Up nut butter flavor + favorite way to enjoy it?
My favorite classic flavor is Chunky, and I enjoy making a dip for apples by mixing it with plain Greek yogurt + cinnamon. During the holidays, though, I can’t get enough of our Salted Eggnog flavor… It’s amazing. I love to swirl it into oatmeal with seasonal fruit, or just eat it right out of the jar!
What is your favorite part about working at Ground Up?
My favorite part about working at Ground Up is the mission! It’s so important to me to work for a company that is making a difference, and Ground Up is DEFINITELY doing that. They are changing womxn’s lives in Portland through their employment training program. It’s so much more than a job for the womxn that work at Ground Up - it’s community, empowerment, support, confidence.