Meet Stephanie

Stephanie joined the Ground Up team in November 2022 and has brought positivity, humor and an incredible work ethic to our kitchen team in her role as Production Apprentice.
"Ground up is truly a pillar of hope. Second chances are so important in this day and age. When I felt that there wasn't any hope for me and wanted to give up, I was directed to apply at Ground Up. They're mission and belief in changing womans life's by giving them a chance to overcome adversity is the hope and encouragement I needed to keep going." - Stephanie
What has your experience with Ground Up been like? How has it helped your confidence?
My experience at Ground Up has been a rewarding one. I like how engaged management is with employees. The environment is supportive and encouraging.
What does it mean to you to have a job and be back in the workforce?
It means to me that I’m learning and getting in the habit of being productive and responsible.
What is one new skill you gained or thing that you learned about yourself through this experience?
I’ve gained adaptability.
What is the community at Ground Up like? What does having this community mean to you?
The community at Ground Up is supportive and encouraging.
What do you like to do for fun?
I like to go on adventures and explore new things.
What is your favorite Ground Up nut butter flavor + favorite way to enjoy it?
I love them all equally.
What do you hope to do after Ground Up / what is your dream job?
I’m planning to become a recovery mentor and drug and alcohol counselor.
How do you feel that Ground Up has prepared you for your next step?
They’ve been supportive with constructive feedback. They promote self growth.
Anything else you want to share?
I value my time here at Ground Up; I’m learning and gaining skills I need.