Meet Zoë

We're so excited to introduce you to Zoë, who recently joined our marketing team and has been doing an incredible job! Zoë brings passion, creativity and a hard work ethic to the GU team, and we are so grateful to have her. Learn more about Zoë below!
What is your role at Ground Up? What does your day-to-day look like?
Here at Ground Up, I am a Social Media Associate. I would say my typical day-to-day activities mainly revolve around managing socials (i.e. Instagram, TikTok, Threads, etc.). Some days are definitely busier than others, but you can always find me responding to DMs, posting and reposting on socials, and working on building an engaging atmosphere for all of us to share our love for Ground Up! I also am heavily involved in content creation and strategy planning, so you can also find me filming and editing content to post on socials in addition to attending sales and marketing meetings to ensure our strategy aligns with Ground Up’s goals and mission!
What has your experience with Ground Up been like?
Since starting at Ground Up in June 2023, my experience has been amazing! I’m very grateful for the opportunity to be able to work for a company that holds such an impactful mission to ignite change so close to their hearts. Not only that, but creating content around a product I genuinely love has been so fun!
What is the community at Ground Up like?
If I could sum up the Ground Up community in two words it would be inspiring and empowering. Everyone here wants to see you do your best and even small wins don’t go unnoticed. The work environment is also motivating, seeing everyone so passionate and involved with what they are doing makes me want to reciprocate and pour that same love and devotion into my own work!
What do you like to do for fun?
In my free time I LOVE painting and engaging in crafty activities like crochet, polymer clay, and acrylics! I’m currently painting another mural in my room (we’re doing a koi pond!), and I can’t wait to see how it looks completed!
How do you stay motivated?
Something that always motivates me is maintaining an objective overview of the big picture. It can be very easy at times to get lost in the details when everything appears to be moving all at once and you can’t catch a break. It can even feel overwhelming at times. Times like these remind me to remember that in the end, it will all work itself out, what is meant to be will be, and it will all be worth it in the end. I also like to remind myself that my best is already enough, and the only thing I can do then is to just keep moving forward.
What are your favorite ways to #spreadgood in your community?
One of my favorite ways to get involved in my community is to volunteer as a coach during the Girls on the Run season. Girls on the Run is a non-profit organization that seeks to inspire elementary and middle school girls to build confidence and other important life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and physical activity. Having been a runner all my life, it almost brings everything full circle to be able to engage in things I love whilst also making an impact and giving advice that I wish I could have received when I was their age. We coach them through a 13-week program that consists of different social and emotional topics and running of course! The end of the program involves completing a 5k with our group and it’s honestly so rewarding to see all the girls finish!
Who is one person who inspires you and why?
My whole life, my mom has always been my biggest cheerleader and my biggest source of inspiration. Her unwavering faith in me gave me the strength and willingness to believe in myself, and her efforts each day to do all she can to support me and my family, inspires me to express that much selflessness in my own daily actions. I hope one day I can be as selfless and giving as her, and it starts here, pursuing a career that is mission driven and gives back to the community!
What is your favorite Ground Up nut butter flavor + favorite way to enjoy it?
Okay, because I can’t just list one, I would say it's between the classic: Chunky Almond, Cashew, Coconut, and the July 2023 seasonal flavor: Blueberry Waffle Cone. I’m a big date, nut butter, and chocolate girl, so I love having dates with one of those and a piece of dark chocolate! (Tip: place your assembled dates in the freezer for 10 minutes and it makes the perfect frozen treat!)